Talent Marketplace

Discover talent from our pre-qualified talent pools across a broad range of role types and industries.

Search for and signal interest in talent directly from our platform, with talent insights at a glance!

Key Benefits:

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Curated shortlist for you in less than 48 hours

If it doesn’t meet your needs, we’ll go to market and find it within another 7 days.


Low Management fees

Save on management fees by self-serving talent directly from our platform.


For large organisations or BPOs

Expand your global talent reach by leveraging our pre-qualified talent pools.

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Flexible employment options

Once you’ve identified the right talent for your team, you can hire and pay within your existing legal entity structure, Employer of Record (EOR)/Contractor of Record (COR) provider, or leverage our network of legal entities and partners – its entirely up to you!


Remote-first” equals happy employees

Unlike traditional BPO’s we operate a remote-first model so our employees can work from the safety and comfort of their own homes.


Replacement Guarantee

If things don’t work out, we’ll happily replace the candidate for you free of charge with sufficient notice.

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Backed by Hudson

Hudson has over 30+ years experience in talent discovery, pay and compliance in the APAC region and are one of the largest recruitment organisations in APAC. You can feel confident we are a name you can trust.

How it works?

Get in contact with our team for a free demonstration.

Learn more about outsourcing talent:

man writing with laptop

Remote: Why a blended onshore/offshore finance team works so well

Introduction:  In the dynamic landscape of finance and accounting, CFOs and Finance Directors are constantly seeking innovative strategies to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, improve cash flow, and drive performance in their finance teams – particularly around month-end or quarter-end time! One approach gaining momentum is the adoption of a blended onshore and offshore finance team. …

Remote Talent

Insight: 4 reasons to pay remote talent well

A lot of articles have been written about the keys to outsourcing success. Tens of thousands of words detailing tips and advice to help companies get the most out of a resourcing strategy that can deliver huge benefits when done well but the risk of tears if enacted poorly. Define your goals. Choose the right…