Functional resume example

resume example

A functional resume emphasises skills, experience and abilities over work history and dates. To help you write your own functional resume, we’ve created this free resume example of a marketing and communications professional. Alex Citizen 0499 999 999 Career Profile Marketing and communications leader with extensive experience in sales, marketing and communications with…

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Resume examples

resume examples

There are many types of resumes to for job seekers from a wide range of backgrounds. Take a look at the resume samples below to see which one is best for you. The three most popular resume types are as follows: Reverse chronological resume example Also called the chronological resume format, it’s the most common…

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Cover letter templates

Free cover letter templates

A cover letter is often your first communication with a potential employer, and therefore it is vital that when writing a cover letter you make it compelling and professional from the very first line, marking you out as a candidate they need to contact. A good cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your written communication…

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How to make a video job application

How to make a video application

With digital technologies being used more in the hiring and selection of new employees, it’s becoming more common for recruiters and employers to request that candidates submit a video as part of their job application. A video job applications is a way for employers to get an idea of your personality and whether you’ll be…

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Resume mistakes: 5 things to leave out

Resume mistakes

Anything negative Even if a previous position was unpleasant and you had a difficult manager, you should never badmouth employers on your resume (or in a job interview!) as it just paints you in a negative light. Remember, this is a document marketing you and your skills, so keep it positive. If you need to…

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