Assessment: Online psychometric testing tips & preparation
Watch our short video to learn about online psychometric assessments, what they are, and how they are used.
General hints for completing psychometric assessments
- Get a good sleep the night before if possible
Try to relax
If you wear glasses or contact lenses, be sure to have them with you
Complete the assessment in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted or distracted – this is very important
Work alone. Do not discuss the questionnaire or your responses with anyone when completing the assessment
It is in your best interest NOT to complete assessments if:
- You are tired, to the extent you believe it may impact your performance
- You are experiencing stress (whether personal or work related), to the extent you believe it may impact your performance
- You are ill, to the extent you believe it may impact your performance
- There are other factors that may adversely affect your performance (e.g. physical, emotional or situational)
- Your environment has potential distractions (e.g. your work desk).
If you have any disability or condition that may impact on your ability to complete the assessment (e.g. learning disability, colour blindness, etc.) an alternate assessment may need to be administered to accommodate for this. Please contact the Regional (APAC) Delivery Team on +61 3 9623 6767 as soon as possible to discuss in more detail.
Tips for completing Personality Assessments
- There are no right or wrong answers for personality assessments
Please respond to all questions
Respond to questions as honestly and openly as you can
Do not over-deliberate on your responses to questions
Tips for completing Ability Assessments
- Ability assessments have right and wrong answers
Work through the assessment as quickly and as accurately as you can
It is unlikely that you will complete all questions in the time allocated, but do your best
You are strongly encouraged to try the practice questions which can be found below:
Psychometric Testing Examples
If you have been asked to complete ability assessments, we strongly recommend you do some practice assessments. These can be found below and are similar to those you may have been asked to complete.
- Abstract Reasoning Test for Junior Managers (Level 2)
- Abstract Reasoning Test for Middle/Senior Managers (Level 3)
- Numerical Reasoning Test for Administrative & Blue Collar Roles (Level 1)
- Numerical Reasoning Test for Middle/Senior Managers (Level 3)
- Verbal Reasoning Test for Administrative & Blue Collar Roles – Set 1 (Level 1)
- Verbal Reasoning Test for Administrative & Blue Collar Roles – Set 2 (Level 1)
- Verbal Reasoning Test for Middle/Senior Managers (Level 3)