Six unusual job interview questions asked by hiring managers

Six unusual job interview questions asked by hiring managers

Even if you’re well-prepared for a job interview and have rehearsed your answers to common questions, sometimes a hiring manager will ask an unusual question to see how you can think and respond on your feet, as well as find out more about your soft skills and cultural fit. Here are six real-life examples from…

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How to build rapport in a job interview

Building rapport

Establishing a good rapport with someone you’ve just met can be a tough ask. Motivational speaker Tony Robbins provides insight into what’s involved: “Rapport is the ability to enter someone else’s world, to make him feel that you understand him, that you have a strong common bond.” Whatever else you have to offer, it’s going…

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Best questions to ask in an interview

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When an interviewer asks if you have any questions at the end of a job interview, this is your chance to gain further information that will help you assess if this is the right role and organisation for you. It’s also a final opportunity to showcase your knowledge, reinforce your interest and suitability, and leave…

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What to wear to a job interview

Guy wearing interview appropriate clothing

Nothing says ‘Hire me’ like a polished interview outfit – think classic, tasteful and tailored, and you can’t go wrong. For men that often means a suit and tie, and for women a skirt/dress pants and blazer or dress. But dressing for an interview is not always so simple, and putting together a killer interview…

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Body language tips for your next job interview

Body language - smile - for your next job interview

Has anyone ever told you to “smile, it’s not that bad” when you thought you were looking perfectly pleasant? Maybe you have a nervous twitch or tic that you don’t even know about? When it comes to job interviews, you need to be aware of just what your body language is saying – because it…

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